1973 природа человеческих ценностей

The Nature of Human Values

Milton Rokeach’s book The Nature of Human Values (1973), and the Rokeach Value Survey, which the book served as the test manual for, occupied the final years of his career. In it, he posited that a relatively few «terminal human values» are the internal reference points that all people use to formulate attitudes and opinions, and that by measuring the «relative ranking» of these values one could predict a wide variety of behavior, including political affiliation and religious belief. This theory led to a series of experiments in which changes in values led to measurable changes in opinion for an entire small city in the state of Washington.

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Библиографические данные

Название The Nature of Human Values
Автор Milton Rokeach
Издание: 7
Издатель Free Press, 1973
Владелец оригинала: Мичиганский университет
Оцифровано 22 июл 2008
ISBN 0029267501, 9780029267509
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 438
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Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan
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The Nature of Human Values

Milton Rokeach’s book The Nature of Human Values (1973), and the Rokeach Value Survey, which the book served as the test manual for, occupied the final years of his career. In it, he posited that a relatively few «terminal human values» are the internal reference points that all people use to formulate attitudes and opinions, and that by measuring the «relative ranking» of these values one could predict a wide variety of behavior, including political affiliation and religious belief. This theory led to a series of experiments in which changes in values led to measurable changes in opinion for an entire small city in the state of Washington.

Результаты поиска по книге


Другие издания — Просмотреть все

Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения

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Библиографические данные

Название The Nature of Human Values
Автор Milton Rokeach
Издание: 7
Издатель Free Press, 1973
Владелец оригинала: Мичиганский университет
Оцифровано 22 авг 2007
ISBN 0029267501, 9780029267509
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 438
&nbsp &nbsp
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan


The nature of human values.

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The nature of human values.

от Milton Rokeach

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The nature of human values

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