Bar tailed godwit птица

Bar-tailed Godwit

Bar-tailed Godwits in winter have a grey-brown plumage, while in summer, it has a distinctive red plumage. They have long black legs and a long upturned bill. Bill colors in winter are pink-black, while the summer bill colors are completely black.

Behaviour [ ]

Feeding [ ]

The Bar-tailed Godwit forages by probing in mud of exposed flats or shallow water. Females may feed in deeper waters than males due to their longer bills. Their diet includes insects, crustaceans, mollusks. In summer in Alaska, it feeds mainly on aquatic insects, and also occasionally seeds and berries. On mudflats and shores at other seasons, it feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, insects, annelid worms.

Breeding [ ]

Breeding takes place every year in Scandinavia, northern Asia and Alaska. The nest is a shallow cup in moss and is lined with bits of grass or lichens. The territorial and courtship display of the male involves loud calls and aerial acrobatics, deep wingbeats alternating with glides, as he circles high above tundra. Nest site is usually on a raised hummock, surrounded by grass. Usually 4 eggs are laid. Incubation begins with the last egg laid. Both parents incubate and the eggs hatch after 3 weeks. 1 brood is raised per year.

Migration [ ]

Alaskan and Siberian Bar-tailed Godwits winter from southeast Asia south to Australia and New Zealand. Those from Alaska are known to make a remarkable flight over the ocean, covering more than 6,000 miles in nonstop migration that may take eight days of continuous flying. Stray birds in the lower 48 States may come from either Asia or Europe.

Distribution and Habitat [ ]

Bar-tailed Godwits breed on Arctic coasts and winter on coasts in temperate and tropical regions of the Old World, Australia and New Zealand. They inhabit mudflats, shores and tundra.


Bar-tailed Godwit


At first glance resembles a smaller version of a Curlew — similar shape (long legs and neck) and plumage (grey/brown with streaking). The long, straight and slightly upturned bill, however is quite different. Summer plumaged birds occur sometimes, showing varying amounts of orange/brick red on the body feathers. Bar-tailed can easily be confused with the slightly longer-legged and more elegant Black-tailed Godwit, however in flight, Bar-tailed always shows fairly uniform, grey brown upperwings, a long white rump and a finely barred tail (Black-tailed is strongly patterned with black and white wings and tail and a square white rump). Usually seen feeding along outer shoreline of estuaries. Sometimes in large flocks.


Harsh/nasal two note ‘cewee-cewee’


Feed along the tidal edge, or in shallow water (up to 15 cm depth). They usually commence feeding on an ebbing tide, and feed continuously for up to 6 hours. Polychaete worms, particularly lugworms, form a large proportion of their diet. On the muddier estuaries, where lugworms may be absent, they take ragworms and bivalves.

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Breeds in northern Norway, Finland and further to the north and east.


Wintering distribution entirely coastal. They are largely confined to estuaries, with largest numbers recorded on sandy estuaries. Small numbers recorded using non-estuarine coastline.

Monitored by

Irish Wetland Bird Survey

Winter visitor. Dundalk Bay in County Louth, Dublin Bay in County Dublin, Wexford Harbour & Slobs in County Wexford, Lough Foyle in County Derry and Strangford Lough in County Down support highest numbers (1,500-2,500 birds).

Blog posts about this bird

Starting 2020 with a (literal) BANG!! Catching and colour-ringing waders in Dublin Bay

In January 2020, the Dublin Bay Birds Project Team put in a huge effort to fit colour-rings (safely, and under license) to the legs of a portion of the wintering waders in Dublin Bay. Over four days and nights, we caught and ringed 235 waders of 6 species, with 23 ‘re-trapped’ birds, two of which were Icelandic-ringed Oystercatchers! The precise tally is 199 Oystercatchers, 23 Black-tailed Godwits, 5 Redshank, 4 Dunlin, 3 Curlew, and 1 Knot.

We used a highly specialised technique called ‘cannon-netting’ (firing a large net outwards using weighted projectiles propelled from cannons) to capture the birds. To do this, we once again drafted in the skills of licensed cannon-netters from the Highland and Grampian Ringing Groups in Scotland. The catching effort involved pre-dawn starts, night-time mist-netting, hole-digging, hiding in saltmarsh and marram grass, tide-watching, precision placement of cannons and nets, lots of waiting and hoping, and running at speed to the net when it fired over a flock of birds!

Once the birds are captured and safely removed from the net they are kept calm until they are ‘processed’. This means swiftly and carefully recording some biometric measurements, like wing length, bill length, and assessing the birds age from plumage characteristics, and each bird is fitted with colour-rings. The DBBP uses a combination of carefully planned colours on each bird, including one ring that is inscribed with a unique, two-digit alphanumeric code (see photo of colour-ringed Oystercatcher).

The colour-ring schemes for all waders are registered with a strictly controlled system co-ordinated by the International Wader Study Group. This ensures that every scheme is unique and that no two birds of the same species could ever be fitted with the same combination of rings anywhere across its flyway. This allows every bird to be individually identifiable making the resultant data exceptionally useful.

Essentially, the fitting of colour-rings to the legs of these wintering waders in Dublin and the subsequent reading and reporting of them (and similarly the fitting of small GPS-devices to birds) is all about trying to understand where they go for roosting and foraging at a local level, and about their migratory and breeding movements at international, flyway level. In this case, the colour-ring observations provide information about what areas of Dublin Bay the waders use during different tidal states and if they appear to be particularly reliant or show fidelity to certain areas, all helping to identify and thus conserve important areas. Colour-ringing can also generate valuable information about the timing of migratory arrivals and departures, and confirm migratory links between Ireland and breeding grounds elsewhere. The map with green red and yellow dots shows the locations of international resightings of waders colour-ringed in Dublin. Colour-ringing work is something that the Dublin Bay Birds Project, supported by Dublin Port Company, has been carrying out over the last few years (see other escapades here! with constant management of a database now containing in excess of 4,500 ‘resightings’ (observations) of individually colour-marked birds at various locations, yielding some fascinating information, see HERE for an example.

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Bolstering this, detailed data was generated in 2016 when we fitted a selection of waders (Redshank, Curlew and Oystercatcher) with small GPS tracking devices (in addition to colour-rings) that provided un-biased daily data about the location of the individual birds, across entire tidal cycles, both day and night. The map shows the downloaded tracks (red dots) of a Curlew in the winter of 2016/17 at Bull Island and the Tolka Estuary. This GPS-tracking work was co-funded by SEAI and Dublin Port Company.

In addition to the valuable data generated by marking and tracking birds, valuable connections and collaborations with scientists and ring-readers across the flyways of these waders are created. Our January activities have crossover with several international projects. This summer, we expect that some of our marked Oystercatchers will be observed in Iceland by the Icelandic Oystercatcher Team (University of East Anglia, South Iceland Research Centre, University of Iceland), in the same way that we see Icelandic-ringed birds in Dublin Bay. This nice blog ‘Wader Tales’ by Graham Appleton summarises some of the Icelandic work and its connections with Ireland. And one of the Dublin-ringed Oystercatchers ‘XN’ has already been seen on its breeding ground in Scotland (5 TH February 2020) by our valuable observer John Bowler of the RSPB … the fourth year in a row! Ongoing international projects on Black-tailed Godwits and Knot allowed us to borrow and deploy their colour schemes on the 23 Black-tailed Godwit and single Knot that we caught in January, with thanks to Pete Potts (UK) and Jim Wilson (Norway), respectively for allowing us to use those. We hope the resightings to come from these birds across the flyway will enhance on-going work for these researchers. The January 2020 cannon-netting was a massive effort by a brilliant team (just some of which is pictured below). In particular, thanks to our super-skilled cannon-netters, Ewan Weston and Kenny Graham, for parachuting in for the few days to put their skills and gear to great use, and to Kendrew Colhoun for key logistical support and assistance with licensing and equipment. There was also a huge effort from dawn ‘til dusk by an outstanding and enthusiastic team of volunteers, licensed ringers, NPWS and BirdWatch Ireland to get it all done. It was a great, and really quite rare, opportunity for the team to get to see several species of wader up so close.

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Now the work is to go out and look for all of these colour-ringed birds, read those inscriptions and submit them to us!

The Dublin Bay Birds Project is very lucky to be supported by Dublin Port Company who keenly recognise the value of this work and the data it generates.

This work was carried out under license from the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the British Trust for Ornithology.


Bar-tailed godwit

Bar-tailed godwit (male/summer plumage)

The bar-tailed godwit is a long-billed, long-legged wading bird which visits UK shores for the winter. Most usually seen in its grey-brown winter plumage, birds in spring may show their full rich chestnut breeding plumage. In flight it shows a white patch stretching from the rump up the back, narrowing to a point. It breeds in the Arctic of Scandinavia and Siberia and hundreds of thousands of them pass through the UK, on their way further south, or stop off here for the winter.

What they eat:

Mainly shellfish, marine snails and worms and shrimps.



UK breeding is the number of pairs breeding annually. UK wintering is the number of individuals present from October to March. UK passage is the number of individuals passing through on migration in spring and/or autumn.

Identifying features:

This bird species has different identifying features depending on sex/age/season.

Bar-tailed godwit (male/summer plumage)

Bar-tailed godwit (winter plumage)

Similar birds:

The two godwit species that occur in the UK — black-tailed and bar-tailed — can be quite tricky to identify. Though their feathers are constantly changing, birds’ body shapes stay the same. Instead of concentrating on what colour a bird is, it’s good to look at its other structural features.

Black-tailed godwits have longer legs than the bar-tailed. Sometimes it’s hard to see that when they’re wading, though! While both godwits have really long bills, the black-tailed’s is often longer and a little bit straighter. Bar-tailed godwits’ bills are noticeably upcurved.

When in orangey breeding plumage, a black-tailed godwit’s belly has black stripes — a bar-tailed’s is plain. In its grey-brown, non-breeding plumage, a black-tailed godwit has plain back feathers. At all times of year, a bar-tailed godwit has a streaky back. In breeding plumage, the only bright orangey-red bar-tailed godwits are males. The females are much paler.

If you see a godwit flying, it’s easy to identify it. Black-tailed godwits have a bold black and white stripe on each wing, as well as a black and white tail.


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