Логотип какого бренда птица

Birds predominantly have a positive connotation. It represents the human desire to escape from the shackles of gravity and reach new heights. Several companies have used the symbolization of birds as a representation of their goals.

Different birds represent various personality traits such as wisdom, pride, grace, and survival and companies using several bird logos draw a parallel between such aspects.

Emporio Armani

Eagles are large, powerful birds known for several characteristics. Hence, for the company the eagle represents their desire to reach new heights, supremacy in quality, and an eye for fashion. Giorgio Armani’s initials are imprinted on the body of the black and white striped eagle, which is yet another fashion statement.

Japan Airways

Japan Airways is represented by a crane which, according to Japanese tradition, symbolizes prosperity, long life, and good health. The airline guarantees a safe journey to its passengers and the red color of its logo means happiness which is closely aligned with the purpose of this airline.


Hollister is an American lifestyle brand that is represented by a flying seagull which is a symbol of dreamers and sailors. The seagull’s maroon color symbolizes happiness, bravery, and determination which are the main traits of a character known as John M. Hollister, created by Abercrombie & Fitch Co., the owner of the brand itself.


Dove is a cosmetic brand that is represented by a dove in a silhouette. The usage of products of this brand claims to yield softer skin and hair which is a clear indicator of the love and care symbolic to a dove. So the bird logo of this brand speaks volumes for its products.

Fruit Loops

The mascot for Fruit Loops is an animated Toucan Sam. The main characteristic of this Toucan mascot is his strong sense of smell which has been used to depict how it can smell a bowl of Fruit Loops from anywhere in advertisements. It also symbolizes the colorful cereal.


This 125-year-old brand is widely known for manufacturing and marketing of high-quality crystals is represented by a swan. A swan symbolizes simplicity, purity, devotion, grace, and elegance. The logo represents the essential characteristics of the brand and its products that have kept it in high demand over the years.


The Twitter bird is commonly used as a term to identify the logo of this social networking company. The Twitter bird is a small blue bird on a whiteboard and the head of the bird faces upwards which is symbolic of the company’s mission since looking away from the ground represents how it serves as a medium where individuals embrace a wider perspective opening themselves up for all possibilities and the open beak represents freedom of speech.

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Chick-fil-A is one of the largest American fast-food restaurants. Since it’s specialty is chicken sandwiches so the chicken has been cleverly incorporated in their brand logo. The “C” of the brand name has been drawn as a chicken with a beak for its logo. The logo is represents the motive behind the food served by this restaurant

Future Group

Future Group is an Indian conglomerate company and is represented by a “Golden Bird”. This bird logo is eye-catching and its golden color represents joy and sunshine. The main objective of this company is to deliver everything at every place and every time to the Indian consumers in the most profitable manner and hence their motives are symbolized by “The Golden Bird”.


NBC is an American commercial terrestrial radio and television network whose logo represents a peacock. The peacock shows the motive of the information provided to the viewers and also the accuracy of information. The peacock’s head is turned towards the right which indicates that the company is looking ahead. The peacock also represents the company’s pride in its brand name.


The logo of Lufthansa is represented by a flying crane. The yellow and blue color combination in the logo represents speed, creativity, progressiveness as well as reliability. The simile “as free as a bird” is brought to mind with this logo. The flight of the bird is an indicator of the technical superiority of this airline.

Air Mauritius

A bird is essentially a symbol of natural and safe flying so it is obvious why the logo of Air Mauritius representing a corpulent bird with extended wings gliding is one of the most popular symbols among the logos of airlines. The red color of this logo indicates bravery, strength, and life.


Smirnoff is a vodka brand owned by the British company Diageo and its logo indicates a flying eagle with a crown. The flying eagle represents power and movement while the crown symbolizes the quality of the vodka. The use of silver and red essentially stands for vibrancy and youth


The Nestle brand name had originated from the founder Henri Nestlé’s family name which meant, “Nest”. The logo represents a loving mother bird feeding her children. The imagery represents the mother as a nurturer and that has been the main focus of Nestle.


Kiwi is a polish shoe brand that originated from Australia and is represented by a flightless bird native to New Zealand since the wife of William Ramsey, the man who developed the polish, was from New Zealand. The logo shows a white kiwi on a red background with a golden lining and the bold color palette is meant to grab attention.

American Eagle

American Eagle is a North American clothing line, and its logo represents an eagle that has found a victim and is ready to attack. The bird’s keen eyesight represents the primary focus of the company which is to keep changing the clothing line according to the varying taste and preference patterns of its customers.

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Iron Duck

Iron Duck is a clothing manufacturing company, and the logo of the brand represents a hanger, the hook of which has been bent in the form of a duck. It is a simple yet creative logo. A duck symbolizes grace, thoughtfulness, comfort, living in the moment, energy, and playfulness.

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines logo represents a bird known as “Silver Kris,” which originates from a dagger featured in regional folklore. The Silver Kris in the logo faces right with its wings lifted, representing the company’s future-oriented vision. The yellow and blue color of the logo is a symbol of happiness, hope, and responsibility. This Silver Kris has helped to improve brand recognition from the very beginning.


The duo is the name of an owl which depicts knowledge, learning, and wisdom. The duo is a rare species of green owl. Duolingo is a platform for learning multiple languages where the logo has a playful mascot.

Gulf Brand

Falcon is present in the Gulf Brand’s logo, which symbolizes freedom, perseverance, and courage. It expresses the innovative and pristine services infused with raw beauty and emotion, making the brand much more than an airline.

American Airlines

In the American Airlines logo, you can see a fierce eagle swooping down. It is a native bird of America which represents supremacy in the air. The logo gives the vibe of intense patriotism.

Turkish Airlines

The reference of Wild Goose is used in the logo of Turkish Airlines. Wild Goose is picked as the brand’s mascot since they are known to fly at great heights and travel great distances.


In the Swift logo, one can find Swift bird that represents that the programing language is developed to be fast. It also symbolizes hope. It compliments the purpose of the intuitive and powerful programming language.


In Freelancer, the bird used is in origami style. The bird signifies freedom, which compliments the brand that provides people who have full freedom while working.

Penguin Books

Penguin is used in the logo of Penguin Books that tells the tale of survival. Penguin symbolizes endurance, patience, and determination. The logo was designed by Edward Young, who was a young submariner. He survived a boat accident that happened in the North Sea.

Birds, in general, have served several branding purposes of companies worldwide. They have helped in the brand association, recognition, symbolization of the vision of several companies, and their origin. The motives of several brands could not have been represented better without these brand logos that have become common to us all like whenever we think of a bird’s nest it reminds us of Nestle. These logos have helped brands become household names.

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Lyle & Scott


Lyle&Scott – уникальный бренд премиального класса с более чем вековой историей. Компания по производству качественной одежды создает неповторимые коллекции, наполненные английской утонченностью и изысканным вкусом.

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История компании началась в 1874 году в Шотландии, когда два предпринимателя решили открыть фабрику по производству высококачественного трикотажного белья. Этими предпринимателями были Уильям Лайл и Вальтер Скотт (не путать со знаменитым английским писателем и историком), которым пришлось взять кредит в размере 800 футов стерлингов для начала своего бизнеса.

В качестве девиза компании было выбрано выражение «Хорошо сделанная работа – это начало еще большей работы». Именно эти слова были воплощены в работе стремительно развивающейся компании Lyle&Scott, которая получила свое название от фамилий своих основателей.

Использование передовых технологий и качественных натуральных тканей вывело торговую марку в число ведущих производителей верхней одежды, и в 1926 году под руководством Чарльза Оливера компания Lyle&Scott обрела невероятную популярность во всем мире.


В 1951 году фабрику в небольшом городке Скоттиш-Бордерс посетил выдающийся фотограф, мастер индустриальной фотографии, Уолтер Нюрнберг, который запечатлел повседневную жизнь мануфактуры Lyle&Scott.

В мире высокой моды компания Lyle&Scott была признана после сотрудничества с Модным домом Christian Dior, выпустив коллекцию одежды из кашемира. Этот проект впоследствии послужил началом для совместной работы Lyle&Scott с такими известными фэшн-гигантами, как Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Liberty, Bergdorf Goodman и Michael Kors.

Особой популярностью в 1958 году одежда Lyle&Scott пользовалась среди поколения «модернистов». А в 1960-х начинается поистине Золотая эпоха бренда, связанная с запуском линии одежды для игры в гольф. Тогда же появился и фирменный логотип компании – Золотой орел, символизирующий высокое качество и непосредственное отношение к гольфу.

Известные спортсмены и поклонники игры в гольф неизменно выбирали одежду бренда Lyle&Scott. Компания впервые предложила классический костюм для гольфа: шерстяной джемпер, брюки и кепку.

Lyle&Scott golf

В 1975 году Lyle&Scott получает официальный патент Поставщика королевского двора, тем самым закрепив за собой имидж бренда класса «люкс». А почетный знак стал присутствовать на моделях одежды, подчеркивая «гарантию высочайшего уровня качества и мастерства».

В 1983 году бренд помимо одежды для гольфа, запускает линию повседневной одежды в стиле casual для мужчин и женщин. Британская молодежь пришла в восторг от ярких и современных вещей Lyle&Scott.

Новая волна популярности марки как оригинального гольф-бренда, началась после исторической победы Грега «Акулы» Нормана в Открытом чемпионате в Торнберри. Для игры Норман выбрал классический костюм для гольфа от Lyle&Scott.

С начала нового тысячелетия бренд становится популярным среди инди-музыкантов, и его начинают скупать все любители музыки, кино и телевидения. Логотип Lyle&Scott украшает одежду таких популярных инди-групп, как Arctic Monkeys, Vampire Weekend и Bloc Party.

В 2013 году одежда марки разделилась на три основные линейки: Lyle&Scott Classic, Contemporary и Golf. В 2014 году в честь 140-летия бренда была запущена уникальная коллекция Lyle&Scott 140 Made in UK, вдохновленная всей историей бренда и его традициями.

Сегодня дизайнеры с особым вниманием подходят к созданию одежды для гольфа, сочетая в коллекциях Lyle&Scott Golf удобный спортивный стиль и британскую элегантность. Компания также продолжает выпускать новые коллекции одежды в стиле casual, которые, безусловно, сразу становятся хитами сезона.


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