- Where to Get Slippy Chinery Analysis
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- Как получить анализ пенду Бандо в Scarlet Nexus
- Где найти Bandeau Pendu
- Scarlet Nexus: Where to Find Wither Sabbat – Surprise Test Cont
- The goat-like other is easily found in two early locations
- Where to find Wither Sabbat for the Surprise Test Cont side quest in Scarlet Nexus
Where to Get Slippy Chinery Analysis
The password from Episode 6 of Scarlet Nexus for the password-cracking mini-game has been found! Refer to our page on Scarlet Nexus Musubi Codes for the latest Musubi code update!
This is a guide on Slippy Chinery Analysis Material in Scarlet Nexus for Playstation, XBOX, and PC (Steam). Read on to learn more about Slippy Chinery Analysis, its description, rarity, and which Others drop Slippy Chinery Analysis.
Slippy Chinery Analysis Material Information
Rarity and Description
Item | Slippy Chinery Analysis |
Rarity | ★★★★ |
Description | Data on Slippy Chinery Others that has been carefully analyzed by category, including type traits and battle conditions, and therefore contains highly valuable information. |
Gained From Defeating the Following Others
Scarlet Nexus Related Materials
Special Materials
Fuel Pool Analysis | Buddy Rummy Analysis | Other Ecology S | Battle Record S | Scummy Pool Analysis | Scummy Rummy Analysis | Rainy Rummy Analysis | Scummy Pendu Analysis | Bandeau Pendu Analysis | Plateau Pendu Analysis | Saws Paws Analysis | Vase Paws Analysis | Barrista Santa Analysis | Kitchen Rummy Analysis | Auger Sabbat Analysis | Bile Pool Analysis | Cut Rut Analysis | Winery Chinery Analysis | Juttie Chinery Analysis | Dispen Perry Analysis | Rotunda Pagoda Analysis | Coil Moil Analysis | Saliva Santa Analysis | Gunkin Perry Analysis | Gunkin Fisher Analysis | Dominus Circus Analysis | Booger Sabbat Analysis | Court Mort Analysis | Naomi Randall Analysis | Kikuchiba Environment S | Mizuhagawa Environment S | Arahabaki Environment S | Kunad Highway Environment S | BABE Environment S | Hieno Mountain Environment S | Research Facility Environment S | Abandoned Subway Environment S | Doppel Pool Analysis | Marabou Pendu Analysis | Missin Pound Analysis | Vine Yawn Analysis | Cushion Pound Analysis | Session Pound Analysis | Rat Rut Analysis | Base Paws Analysis | Brawn Yawn Analysis | Wither Sabbat Analysis | Grin Yawn Analysis | Spawn Yawn Analysis | Dispen Fisher Analysis | Phantom Art «Phoenix and Moth» Document | Phantom Art: Catfish | Phantom Art: Horse | Phantom Art: Honey bee | Phantom Art: Lizard | Phantom Art: Monkey | Phantom Art: Swallow | Phantom Art: Turtle | Phantom Art: Elephant | Slippy Chinery Analysis |
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- Phase 1: Searching for Freedom
- Phase 2: Broken, Scattered Days
- Phase 3: Fated to Move Upon Awakening
- Phase 4: What Waits at the End
- Phase 5: The Point of No Return
- Phase 6: To Get Back What’s Important
- Phase 7: Intertwining Thoughts and Confusion
- Phase 8: They Speak of the Hidden Past
- Phase 9: Protecting Lives and Protected Lives
- Phase 10: Conclusion, and an Accidental Meeting
- Phase 11: Feeling Unraveled Time Together
- Phase 12: Path to the Future and Freedom
Yuito Route Guides
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- Phase 1: Trusting the Path to the Future
- Phase 2: Days of Disquieting Stagnation
- Phase 3: Inside Upside Down Reality
- Phase 4: Fate Split in Two
- Phase 5: A Changed World and Creeping Unease
- Phase 6: Choice to Face it, Eyes Open
- Phase 7: Where Lost Memories Lead
- Phase 8: Collecting Pieces of Unknown History
- Phase 9: Eternal Vow, Eternal Bond
- Phase 10: Conclusion, and an Accidental Meeting
- Phase 11: Feeling Unraveled Time Together
- Phase 12: Path to the Future and Freedom
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- Yuito Sumeragi (Phase 4)
- Yuito Sumeragi (Phase 5)
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- Yuito, Luka, Tsugumi
- Kodama Melone (Phase 7)
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- Kodama and Yuta Melone
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- Dominus Circus
- Karen Travers Final Boss Guide
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- Kasane Randall
- Hanabi Ichijo
- Kyoka Eden
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Как получить анализ пенду Бандо в Scarlet Nexus
В Scarlet Nexus анализ — это тип ресурса, который вы можете получить, убивая врагов. Затем его можно использовать в магазинах для обмена на различные типы предметов. Их также можно использовать для получения подарков, которые очень важно для построения связей с другими персонажами игры.
Разные типы врагов используют разные типы анализа, и, как вы уже догадались, из Bandeau Pendu будет выпадать анализ Bandeau Pendu. Там есть небольшая хитрость, так это определение места появления существа и тот факт, что вам нужно убить его определенным способом, чтобы получить анализ.
Во-первых, когда вы действительно убиваете существо, вам нужно будет использовать Brain Crush. Это означает, что нужно бить монстра до тех пор, пока его здоровье не станет достаточно низким и над его головой не появится кнопка с подсказкой. Это должно быть LT на Xbox и L2 на PlayStation. Удерживайте кнопку, чтобы выполнить атаку мозгового сокрушения, которая будет иметь шанс засчитать анализ, хотя это редкое падение.
Где найти Bandeau Pendu
Чтобы найти Бандо Пенду, пройдите через Алый Нексус до фазы 6, когда вы отправитесь исследовать строительную площадку района Мидзухагава. Здесь вы найдете Bandeau Pendu на втором этаже строительной площадки. Чтобы добраться туда, быстро отправляйтесь в район Мидзухагава — Большой мост Югири. Идите прямо от места возрождения на строительной площадке.
Теперь идите налево, поднимайтесь по лестнице, а затем идите направо, следуя круговой области. Это приведет вас к бандо-пенду. Если вам нужно, чтобы они возродились после их убийства, просто полностью покиньте район, а затем быстро вернитесь, чтобы сбросить все спавны монстров.
Scarlet Nexus: Where to Find Wither Sabbat – Surprise Test Cont
The goat-like other is easily found in two early locations
The goat-like creature Wither Sabbat is your target for the Surprise Test Cont quest in Scarlet Nexus. In fact, you need to defeat two of them with your Brain Crush ability. Brain Crush is the main finisher you should be using at all times, after depleting an enemy’s crush gauge, so it’s not like you need to go out of your way in order to successfully pull it out. However, it could be tricky if you are way overleveled when you decide to tackle these enemies. For this, we do have a possible solution, which you can find below alongside their location.
Where to find Wither Sabbat for the Surprise Test Cont side quest in Scarlet Nexus
If you are still at an early stage in your adventure, Wither Sabbat can be found in two places. The first one and fastest of the two, is Mizuhagawa NCD Dist. – Construction Site. If you teleport over to that location and progress through the main road for a while, you will find yourself in an open area, with some heavy machinery in the middle. Which can also be used with your psychokinesis power in order to cause some heavy damage to enemies that are lying there there.
Speaking of which, you need to defeat every enemy in that area, in order for the Wither Sabbat to appear. Make quick work with them, and then battle your actual target. Make sure to deplete its crush gauge and finish the fight with your Brain Crush skill, using the respective button. With one of the two targets down, we need to find one more. What you can do, is to either teleport to another place and teleport back here in order to repeat the whole process, or visit the other area you can find a Wither Sabbat.
That area would be Kikuchiba – Mid-Level Shopping District. Teleport there and just slash your way through until the very end of it, to the parking lot. Deal with enemies that appear, and after everyone is taken out, the Wither Sabbat will appear. Again, use your Brain Crush for the quest tracker to successfully count it.
Now then, all that said and done is easy, but what if you kill the creature before you manage to diminish its crush gauge? In that case, what you can do is to either equip the weakest gear you have available, to cause the least amount of damage, or increase the difficulty setting to Hard. Or just do both. This way, the monster will have more HP, so you can have the time needed to get rid of its crush gauge first, and successfully deal the last blow with a Brain Crush. After you finish with everything, open your Quests tab and claim your rewards.
Scarlet Nexus is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. For more related content about the game, check out the rest of our guides right here.