birds of feather flock together
2) Set phrase: a thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf (дословно: Вор узнаёт вора так же, как волк узнаёт волка) , birds of a feather flock together (people of the same sort are drawn to one another, find a common language at once, become friends) , birds of a feather flock together (дословно: Птицы одного оперения собираются вместе) , deep will call deep, good finds good, it takes one to know one, like draws like, like draws to like the whole world over, like to like, like will to like, to each other known from afar all of the fishermen are, birds of a feather
• Bird is known by his note and a man by his talk (A) — Знать птицу по перьям, а молодца по речам (3)
• Bird is known by its note, and the man by his words (The) — Знать птицу по перьям, а молодца по речам (3)
• Every bird thinks her /own/ nest beautiful (his nest best) — Всякая птица свое гнездо любит (B), Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит (B)
• God gives (sends) every bird its food, but he does not throw it into the nest — Пироги на кустах не растут (П)
• It is a foolish bird that defiles (fouls) its own nest — Глупа та птица, которой гнездо свое не мило (Г)
• One bird in the net is better than a hundred flying — Не сули журавля в небе, дай синицу в руки (H)
• Older the bird, the more unwillingly it parts with its feathers (The) — В могилу глядит, а над копейкой дрожит (B)
⇒ people who share kinship, common interests, occupations etc usu. support and help one another (albeit sometimes reluctantly):
♦ Несколько зная язык, он писал статью начерно, оставляя пробелы, вкрапливая русские фразы и требуя от Фёдора Константиновича дословного перевода своих передовичных словец. чудеса в решете. пришла беда — растворяй ворота. свой своему поневоле брат (Набоков 1). Having a smattering of the language, he wrote his article out in rough, with gaps and Russian phrases interspersed, and demanded from Fyodor a literal translation of the usual phrases found in leaders. wonders never cease. troubles never come singly. birds of a feather flock together. (1a).
⇒ people who share kinship, common interests, occupations etc usu. support and help one another (albeit sometimes reluctantly):
♦ Несколько зная язык, он писал статью начерно, оставляя пробелы, вкрапливая русские фразы и требуя от Фёдора Константиновича дословного перевода своих передовичных словец. чудеса в решете. пришла беда — растворяй ворота. свой своему поневоле брат( Набоков 1). Having a smattering of the language, he wrote his article out in rough, with gaps and Russian phrases interspersed, and demanded from Fyodor a literal translation of the usual phrases found in leaders. wonders never cease. troubles never come singly. birds of a feather flock together. (1a).
СВОЙ СВОЕМУ ПОНЕВОЛЕ БРАТ (ДРУГ) (saying) people who share kinship, common interests, occupations etc usu. support and help one another (albeit sometimes reluctantly): — birds of a feather nock together (in limited contexts) blood is thicker than water the devil is kind to his own.
Несколько зная язык, он писал статью начерно, оставляя пробелы, вкрапливая русские фразы и требуя от Фёдора Константиновича дословного перевода своих передовичных словец. чудеса в решете. пришла беда — растворяй ворота. свой своему поневоле брат (Набоков 1). Having a smattering of the language, he wrote his article out in rough, with gaps and Russian phrases interspersed, and demanded from Fyodor a literal translation of the usual phrases found in leaders. wonders never cease. troubles never come singly. birds of a feather flock together. (1a).
People of similar intellect and interests find one another and come to mutual understanding. See Масть к масти подбирается (M), Подобный подобного любит (П)
Cf: Birds of a color flock together ( Am. ). Birds of a feather flock together ( Am. , Br. ). Each kind attracts its own ( Am. ). It takes a fool to know a fool ( Am. ). It takes one to know one ( Am. ). Like attracts (will to) like ( Am. , Br. ). Like calls to (draws to, knows, likes, seeks, sees) like ( Br. ). One after kind ( Am. , Br. ). They that know one another salute afar off ( Br. ). A thief knows a thief, as a wolf knows a wolf ( Am. , В г.). Water finds its own level ( Am. , Br. ). Water seeks its /own/ level ( Am. )
cf. birds of a feather flock together; a thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf; like draws to like < the whole world over>; like < will> to like; deep will call deep
Самохин. Кого мы видим! Булейко. Оказывается, вы тоже. (жест рукой, как при взмахе удилищем). Касьянов. Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. (Н. Воронов, Макушка лета) — Samokhin. If it isn’t Comrade Kasyanov! Buleiko. So you are also. (makes a gesture as if handling a rod). Kasyanov. We certainly seem to be birds of a feather.
Set phrase: birds of a feather flock together (дословно: Птицы одного оперения собираются вместе) , like draws to like (дословно: Подобное к подобному тянется)
Set phrase: birds of a feather flock together, blood is thicker than water (one cannot contradict one’s relatives, colleagues or the like, and must be at one with them (even against one’s will)) , deep will call deep, they that are bound must obey
Set phrase: birds of a feather flock together (people of the same sort are drawn to one another, find a common language at once, become friends) , deep will call deep, good finds good, like draws like, like draws to like the whole world over, like to like, like will to like, to each other known from afar all of the fishermen are
2) Set phrase: as the old cock crows, so doth the young, as the old cock crows, the young one learns, as the tree, so the fruit, birds of a feather flock together, he is a chip of the old block, like begets like, like mother, like child, like mother, like daughter, like wood, like arrow, the apple never falls far from the tree, where there’s an apple on the ground there must be an apple-tree around, you’re a limb off the same tree, a bad bird, a bad egg, like crow, like egg, the evil field will evil yield, (Russian idiom) an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, (Russian idiom) the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
СКАЖИ МНЕ, КТО ТВОЙ ДРУГ, И Я СКАЖУ (ТЕБЕ), КТО ТЫ (saying) you can judge a person’s character, views etc by the sort of people with whom he associates: — a man is known by the company he keeps (in limited contexts) birds of a feather (flock together)!
РЫБАК РЫБАКА ВИДИТ ИЗДАЛЕКА (saying) people who have similar characteristics or interests quickly recognize one another and find a common language (said in jest, often disapprov ingly, when a similarity in character traits or similar interests form the basis for a quick friendship or mutual understanding): = birds of a feather flock together it takes one to know one.
В русском языке её можно перевести как Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. Впрочем, и дурак дурака видит издалека, всё одно ведь: два сапога пара, да и одним лыком шиты.
Первое упоминание этой фразеологической единицы ( Birds of a feather flock together ) в письменных текстах на английском относят к 1545 году ( Byrdes of on kynde and color flok and flye allwayes together ) . В переводе на современный английский оно звучит так:
Birds of a feather and color flock and fly always together =
Птицы одного вида (дословно — одного пера) и той же раскраски сбиваются в стаи и летают всегда вместе.
Men of my age flock together; we are birds of a feather, as the old proverb says. = Мужи моего возраста держатся вместе; мы птицы одного полёта, как гласит пословица.
Платон, великий древнегреческий философ
(428 — 348 годы до новой эры)
Таким образом, не исключено, что эта пословица бытовала сотни, а может быть, и тысячи лет до новой эры. И она отражает реальный факт поведения птиц. Которое, конечно же, оно имеет большой смысл в живой природе — ведь кто-то в стае обязательно замети хищника, например, и даст знать остальным. Безопасность в количестве, safety in numbers.
Сегодня Birds of a Feather свили гнездо в информатике. BoF — это неформальная (незаорганизованная) группа, которая спонтанно собралась, и есть о чём поговорить, без запланированной повестки дня.
Помимо всего прочего, Birds of a Feather — это ещё и незаслуженно забытая песня. Послушаем её.
It’s easy sometimes when you just coast along
But like it or not something always seems to go wrong
Sometimes people build you up just so they can knock you down
Sometimes they will have you there ’cause they need someone around
Perhaps you’ll receive invitations for tea
Perhaps you’ll laugh and make them all smile
Or maybe you’ll join them ’cause it had to be
Perhaps you’ll forget you forgot for awhile
Birds of a feather are flocking outside(x4)
Like whippets they dance in a curly-queue dance
Of pulses and ringing and campfire chants
Of ritual drumming although at first glance
You thought you could run but you won’t take a chance
It’s not an experience if they can’t bring someone along
They hang on emotions they bottle inside
They peck at the ground
And strut out of stride.
Birds of a feather are flocking outside(x4)
Birds of a feather are flocking outside(x4)